
This word has been echoing in my mind of late. I am concerned as I cannot figure why it is there.

Do I have some deep seated resentment? Who is the subject cause? It’s always a person, of course. If it’s not a person, then it’s God and He/She is not a good choice for blame.

Resentment is a secret feeling, cousin to envy and jealousy. I feel bad because I have been mistreated (not my fault, of course) or I haven’t got what I want, what others have.

I suppose it is akin to pride, the worst sin. It is based on comparism – one can only judge one’s own worth in the light of others. It is a failure to examine one’s own position and accept that we are the authors of our own fortune.

It takes honesty and courage, which are not easy, as they are quite easy to evade. Rationalisation as to why I failed becomes a habit and that’s where resentment sneaks in the door. Shifting the blame … it wasn’t me…

Meditation and introspection can help. But the mind is so agile it will pick up speed and leap over any awkward lumps in the way, unless you brake and reverse and re-examine them, this time wearing your glasses.

If you don’t deal with resentment, it festers and can blow up in an uncontrolled confrontation, or implode in a dark depression …. neither good for you or your loved ones.

So deal with it, now!